How great teams get great results with Grappler

Hear more from our customers on just some of the benefits they are realising.

“We are very much looking forward to partnering with Grappler and deploying this leading-edge technology to enhance our credit control function across all of our geographical territories.”

Marcus Bale
Chief Operating Officer

“One of the biggest benefits for ATL has been the automation of the reconciliation of the payment & policy process. Our previous legacy system did not do it well and there was always lots of manual intervention. Grappler provides a robust automated reconciliation process.”

David Burgess
Operations Manager, ATL Insurance Group

“The 3 main benefits we have realised since implementing Grappler are 1) Process efficiencies – we have been able to streamline and improve our credit control processes. Now the team just monitor the process in many cases and review exceptions. 2) Improved unallocated cash position. This has reduced substantially since we have been using Grappler. 3) Reduced headcount – we have doubled our ledger with acquisitions since implementing Grappler enabling us to scale without the need to add more FTE’s to support the process.”

Sahba Drummond
Credit Control Manager, Hollard Commercial Insurance

“Since implementing Grappler 18mths ago, our business has seen growth of 25% & we continue to grow. As we scale the credit control team has remained the same size and the automation of the reconciliation process has allowed them to focus on more value add activities. We would highly recommend Grappler and the team.”

Nick Evans
Executive Director of Digital Transformation, ATL Insurance Group

“The Grappler team really know the nuances of our industry and have been great to work with. They had us up and running in as little as 4 weeks. It was a very smooth implementation and we are looking forward to leveraging the full capabilities the solution offers as we scale our business.”

Troy Filipcevic
CEO & Founder, Emergence Insurance

“Grappler has been a valuable partner for our business. Not only have we seen huge improvements in our unallocated cash position through efficiency savings, but they’ve provided significant insights into our debtor management through improved reporting. I’ve been impressed with the commercial and collaborative approach taken by the team at Grappler – who have worked with us to create a solution that suits our business and its changing needs.”

Daniel Schischka
Head of Finance, Ando Insurance

“We are so glad we found the Grappler solution to automate our policy & payment reconciliation process. What was previously a very manual, time consuming, administrative overhead has now been automated leaving me time to focus on our growth into new markets and more strategic value add activities. I would highly recommend Grappler and the team.”

Melina Perfect-Pulesea
Finance Officer, Emergence Insurance

Reach out to learn more about how we can add value to your business

We would be happy to arrange a time for a demonstration of our solution and learn a little more about your requirements.
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